Thursday, March 1, 2012

Work Ethics Teamwok

         Teamwork  is  the ability to work cooperatively with others as opposed to separately to achieve a common goal.  Teamwork is used in all aspects of life. Analyze any situation or task involving more than one person: in almost all cases, the outcome can only be positive if  an ample amount of teamwork is used. 

           Businesses,sports teams,or schools groups or cooperation can not be successful unless they work as a team.  Whether or not each person realize it they are putting complete trust in the other members to help reach a common goal.  Trust being a key factor in team work means you believe each person  is willing to do their part to make a whole.

            I can try  to get along with team members and work to do my best to cooperate with everyone in doing the task assigned to me.                                                                                                                             

1 comment:

  1. When you are working as a team, you do put your trust in the other members to help reach a common goal. And trust is the key factor in team work.
